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Opening and safety sensor for automatic sliding doors

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Opening and safety sensor for automatic sliding doors

Experience ultimate peace of mind with the ORASCAN. It is the first ever opening and safety sensor for sliding doors, combining radar and laser technology. Artek inside offers comfortable and energy-saving opening, and the time-of-flight laser technology ensures a 100% safety coverage of the door. With this all-in-one sensing solution, comfort and safety are guaranteed for all users everywhere.


  • Push & comply

    A safe and compliant installation is now accessible to everyone in no time. With only 1 push, the ORASCAN measures the door dimensions and positions the laser curtains automatically, regardless of the environment or door type. No extra settings and no return on site are needed, even if the floor is not finished during sensor installation.

  • One fits all

    The ORASCAN is a versatile solution for all sizes and types of automatic sliding doors including large doors, telescopic doors, hermetic doors, fire doors, escape routes. Moreover, one sensor can cover all needed functions like opening, threshold safety, side screen safety or virtual opening buttons.

  • Floor & weatherproof

    The laser technology, which has proven itself on the field since 2008, is completely independent of the background. The ORASCAN can therefore be installed on any type of flooring and in any type of weather. Harsh winter conditions are no issue.

  • Ultimate safety

    The ORASCAN secures the leading edge and the complete height, width and depth of the door threshold. Contact with the moving door leaves is avoided for everyone in any situation. Also need side screen safety? The ORASCAN has it covered.

Experience ultimate peace of mind
Get the full experience
  • Enkel installation via APP

    Experience effortless installation, configuration, and monitoring of your ORASCAN with our user-friendly mobile app that will connect over Bluetooth to your sensor.

    Our intuitive platform provides a guided teach-in process, a 3D viewer for field monitoring, customizable field settings, output configuration, virtual push buttons, favorite configuration management and much more.

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  • Touchless & hygienic

    In areas where hygiene and control of air leakage are essential, reducing touchpoints to eliminate contamination is essential. The ORASCAN provides up to 4 virtual opening buttons for contactless on-demand opening of the door, offering both hygienic activation and complete safety.

  • Energy savings

    Reduce unwanted door activation and improve energy efficiency. The ORASCAN can optimize cross-traffic rejection, only opening when needed without impacting the availability of the door. The door also closes sooner by removing the hold-time and ignoring changes in surroundings and people moving away from the door.

  • ARTEK Inside

    Många timmar av forskning, utveckling och testning har investerats i att skapa och utveckla Artek-tekniken. Tack vare våra ingenjörers kunnande tar denna aktiva digitala antenn rörelsedetektering till nästa nivå. Den robusta och hållbara designen, den senaste elektroniken och programvaran ger precision, tillförlitlighet och mer flexibilitet.

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