i-access-controli-access-controli-artwork-protectioni-automated-windowsi-barrier-freei-barriersi-bus-doorsfooi-crosswalki-emergency-calli-escalatorsi-flammablei-gatesi-guidancei-high-performance@1x-100Asset 2innovation_iconi-knowing-acti-loading-docki-low-energy-doorfooi-parkingi-pass-through-windowi-people-countingi-perimeter-protectioni-plateform-screen-doori-request-to-exiti-revolving-doori-sectional-doorAsset 3i-sliding-doorsi-swinging-doorsi-toll-gatesGroup 15i-train-doorsi-vehicle-classificationi-warehousingi-low-energy-doori-request-to-exitairporthospitalsindustrylogisticsretailArtboardfacebookinstagramlinkedintwitterwechatYouku-iconyoutubeempowermentAsset 1Asset 2innovationbrochureGroup 11productpassionproductsrespectAsset 3Combined ShapeteamworkArtboard@2xGroup 11whitepaperwiring-diagramsco2flexible rapidespiralsectionnelspiral rapideenergywalletArtboardarrowarrow-redux-bigarrow-redux-toparrow-redux-toparrow-reduxarrowArtboard@2xcountrydownloadeyefile2filtergridhamburgerlanguagelistnopdfphoneplusresetsearchsubscribevideoyesArtboard@2x

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Tabell över specifikationer


LASER scanner, time-of-flight measurement

Detection mode


Installation height

Min : 2m
Max :

Pinch zone (fixed installation)
EN16005 : 4 m
DIN 18650-1 : 3.5 m
with reflectivity of 8 % : 5 m

Sword zone (moving installation)
EN16005 : 4 m
DIN 18650-1 : 4 m
with reflectivity of 8 % : 5 m

Field of view


Angular resolution

0.23° (400 spots within 90°)


Testbody CA (EN & DIN) : 700 mm x 300 mm x 200 mm
Testbody CB (DIN) : 50 mm cylinder
Testbody CB (EN) & CC (DIN) : 300 mm x 100 mm x 65 mm (foot-shaped)

Optical characteristics
IEC/EN 60825-1:2014

Wavelength 905 nm; output power < 0.1 mW ; CLASS 1 Wavelength 635 nm; output power < 1 mW ; CLASS 2 - visible spot

Supply voltage*

12-24V DC ± 15%

Power consumption

≤ 2.2 W

Response time

Max. 90 ms


1 optocoupler ( galvanic isolation - polarity free )
Max. switching voltage: 42V DC/AC peak
Max. switching current: 100 mA
1 Relay ( free of potential change-over contact )
Max. contact voltage: 42V DC/AC peak
Max. contact current: 1.0A ( resistive )


1 bi-coloured LED: detection/output status

Recessed version
Surface version

178 mm (L) × 85 mm (H) × 53 mm (D)
168 mm (L) × 93 mm (H) × 42.5 mm (D)

Material - Colour

PC/ABS - Black / Aluminum

Tilt angles

0° to +5°

Protection degree

IP54 (IEC/EN 60529)

Temperature range

-30°C to +60°C if powered


0-95 % non-condensing


< 2 G


Denna produkt överensstämmer med all tillämplig EU-lagstiftning. Se försäkran om överensstämmelse för mer information.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All values are measured in specific conditions.

* External electrical sources must be within specified voltages, max 15W and ensure double insulation from primary voltages.

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