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Factory & Logistic Automation Solutions

Factory & Logistic Automation Solutions

Factory and Logistic Automation Solutions are specifically designed for applications that ensure the protection of people, equipment and mobile robots in the industrial environments, including factories, warehouses, etc.

Autonomous Robots

Automated guided vehicles

Laser sensors ensure accurate obstacle detection in AGV paths. This prevents collisions with equipment and people, enhancing operational productivity in factories or warehouses.

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Autonomous mobile robots

Laser sensors provide reliable distance measurement data to AMRs for natural navigation. By using SLAM navigation techniques, the AMRs adjust their path to prevent from collisions with people or objects by accurately detecting obstacles.

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Automatic Forklift application

Automatic forklifts

Laser sensors provide reliable distance measurement data to automatic forklifts, allowing precise self-positioning and facilitating natural/SLAM navigation within factories and warehouses. This technology prevent collisions with people or obstacles.

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Traffic & Transport Solutions

vehicle sensing solutions


Safety sensors prevent undesired contact between vehicles and moving barriers while vehicles enter or leave parking areas. Furthermore, laser scanner sensors facilitate the counting and classification of vehicles entering or leaving parking areas in order to optimize infrastructures and total costs of ownership.

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Traffic and toll gates (Vehicle profiling)

Toll gate applications can usually be found on motorways, main highways, and access roads. The sensors facilitate the classification or counting of various types of vehicles that use an access road (light vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, and motorcycles) for the purpose of optimizing infrastructures and traffic flow. Safety sensors are used to prevent any undesired contact between vehicles and the moving barrier.

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train doors sensors solutions

Train, subway & tram doors

Train door sensors generally have two purposes: to ensure passenger safety and to open doors. The main objectives are to protect passengers and to optimize passenger flows. These sensors can usually be found on train access doors and interior doors.

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bus doors sensors solutions

Bus doors

These types of sensors are suitable for bus doors and may have two main purposes: to ensure the safety of passengers and to reopen doors. They are typically mounted above the bus doors to prevent any unwanted contact between the passenger and the door.

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platform screen doors sensors solutions

Platform screen doors

Platform screen door sensors are used to secure the hazardous area between the platform screen door and the train. The increasing automation of train vehicles has led to a greater need to secure the dangerous areas of the platforms. Thanks to safety sensors, it is possible to accurately monitor the three-dimensional zone between the train doors and the platform in order to increase user safety.

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warehousing sensors solutions

Indoor traffic management

Warehousing sensors are commonly found in commercial and industrial buildings, particularly warehouses, to optimize the traffic flow of forklifts and personnel in warehouses.

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Asset Protection

Perimeter protection

Laser scanner sensors for perimeter protection monitor areas inside or outside public or private buildings. Their main purpose is to prevent intrusion or unlawful access to roofs, walls, or windows.

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Artwork protection

Works of art exibited in museums, exhibition halls, art galleries, and similar areas are exposed to theft and vandalism. Artwork protection requires precise but discrete detection without causing visual deterioration of the object needing protection.

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