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They trust our sensors

It’s safe, I can even put my hand there. Even the leading edge is covered!

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1.2 million cycles of opening and closing industrial doors, and no more impacts thanks to LZR®-WIDESCAN

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Where to find our solutions

  • Hospital

    In hospital and healthcare applications, BEA solutions play a key role in meeting strict accessibility and hygienic requirements. For those with reduced mobility and health conditions, sensors also help improve accessibility.

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  • Retail

    In a retail environment, BEA sensors maximize accessibility in, out and through a store. Additionally, these sensors help protect customers and equipment in these fast-paced environments.

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  • Airport

    Due to the immense passenger volume and rigid security challenges, airports benefit greatly from sensing technology. Sensors are used for access control and pedestrian safety while also helping to secure restricted areas and streamline critical operations within this fast-paced environment.

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  • Industry

    Industry processes are constantly reviewed to improve productivity and safety. With BEA sensors, high-speed doors, dock doors and other industrial doors can be activated, monitored and protected within these fast-paced environments. Sensors can also be used to protect machinery, people and inventory throughout the industrial sites.

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