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Data Privacy Policy

This policy has been introduced by BEA SA with its head office at Allée des Noisetiers 5, 4031 Angleur, Belgium, registered with Banque Carrefour des Entreprises under the number: BE0419.044.453.

These data privacy regulations serve to illustrate what information we collect, the reasons for which we do so and how we process said information. As the entity responsible for the processing, the processing of your data is a matter of the utmost importance to BEA.

1. Collected personal data

1.1. The data which you provide

Subscription to the newsletter

When subscribing to our newsletter, the user provides us with the following information:

  • Compulsory information: e-mail, surname, first name, address, country, language
  • Optional information: company

This information is processed with the aim of tailoring the content of the newsletter by interest according to the user’s language.

If you chose to receive the BEA newsletters when you registered on the website, you can still revoke your consent if you have changed your mind.


Contact form

When a query is sent to our sales team, a technical question is posed or an application is sent via the contact form, we collect the following information:

  • Compulsory information: First name, Surname, Telephone number, E-mail, company, Country and message
  • Optional information: Address, post code, subject

This information is essential for us to understand your question better and ensure a rapid response from a qualified member of staff and in your language.


Form related to the Field Tests

By submitting a Field Test form (electronic, paper, phone, email, …) to BEA, you allow BEA to collect a set of data linked to the Field Test. Aside from the technical data, we also collect the following personal information:

  • First name, Surname, Telephone number, company, country and E-mail

This information is essential for us to ensure a response (if needed) and also to contact you back to get more detailed information about your installation (if needed).

Your personal data could be accessed by the Test Engineer and the Product Management team, for the purpose of contacting you in the context of the Field Test. For the same purpose, the Customer officer and/or the related Sales may eventually also contact you.

1.2. The data which are collected automatically

Our Internet site uses cookies. We store cookies on your computer, tablet or smartphone. These cookies allow us to document your preferences when you use our website.

Our Internet site uses cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file comprising letters and numbers stored in your browser or on your computer’s hard drive. It allows us to remember your preferences when you use our website.
Unless you have elected not to accept cookies in your browser settings, our system will automatically save cookies when you visit our Internet site.

If you wish to delete the cookies, make the necessary changes in your Internet browser. Details on how to do this are generally found in the “Help” or “Internet options” sections.

Technical cookies

These allow us to personalise the user experience by remembering your preferences. Our site uses the following cookies: language cookies and consent to use of cookies.

The aim of these cookies is to avoid your needing to repeat your choices each time you visit our website.

Third-party cookies

These make it possible to improve the contents and functioning of the site via the use of Google Analytics (please consult Google’s data privacy regulations or data protection policy).


If you wish to view your personal data to ensure that it is amended, if necessary, or deleted, to limit or refuse its processing, to withdraw your consent or to secure its portability, you may contact us at any time by sending a dated and signed written request and a copy of your identity card to the following address: gdpr@bea.be

BEA undertakes to respond to your request within 30 days.

If you are not satisfied with the result of your request, you may lodge a complaint with the relevant competent authority: https://www.privacycommission.be

2.1. Right to view, amend and delete data

You have the right to view the information concerning you and to obtain a copy of the information that we have stored.
If your personal data has changed, you may ask us to correct, supplement or delete the outdated, incorrect or incomplete data that we have stored concerning you:
• by sending an email to gdpr@bea.be
• or a letter addressed to: service client – BEA Europe – Allée des Noisetiers 5 4031 Liège.

You also have the right to restrict the processing of your data and to object to the processing of your personal data.

2.2. Right to portability of data

You also have the right to portability of your data by sending an e-mail to the following address: gdpr@bea.be. It relates to the right to receive personal data in a structured format.

3. Transfer of information of a personal nature

BEA undertakes not to transmit your data to any party outside Groupe Halma. BEA will not share, sell, transfer or circulate your personal data by any other means unless this is required for contractual purposes (for example, delivery etc.), this has been required by law or you have given your express consent for this.

Furthermore, your personal data may be made available to our IT service providers who may sometimes be located outside the European Economic Area (EEA). These providers are subject to all of the provisions set out in the European type contractual clauses.

4. Retention of your data

Your personal data are stored during the time necessary for the treatment as described in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2.

The retention period of cookies and for Field Test personal data is 1 year. The shelf life of other data is 5 years. These data are then anonymized.

5. Data security

BEA will take any technical and organisational measures necessary in order to protect your personal data against destruction, loss, modification, access or unauthorised processing. Moreover, BEA undertakes to limit access to personal data in situations in which this access is necessary. Employees who have access to this data have been informed of their obligations with regard to protecting the data. These security measures are reviewed regularly and adapted in order to ensure an adequate level of protection.

6. Contact

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our GDPR department or send an e-mail to: gdpr@bea.be.



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