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Induction loops & photocells replacement


Simply Smart

Do you really want to continue installing induction loops?

Imagine if you could just mount a sensor on the cabinet, do a simple set-up and leave? No need for heavy road works, hours of preparations, cleaning, dangerous and time-consuming installations…  And if you want to get more out of it, via mobile app you can configure up to 3 virtual loops to any application. In any environment or weather condition. Protect pedestrians from collision with the boom or protect against fraud in parking applications. Changes needed after the installation?  No worries, you can re-configure the virtual loops in no time. Sounds good?

Watch the video
  • Plug & go
  • Connect & set
  • Tailored detection
  • In any weather
  • Protect what matters
Induction loops Heavy road works for hours
EVOLOOP Quick & clean setup
Press and hold to compare

Plug & go

Dusty road works with noisy and heavy equipment are in the past. Save time and money with the EVOLOOP and enjoy an installer-friendly experience, replacing hard work with smart work.
  • Mount & plug the sensor

    Install the sensor and plug it. Adjust the rotation angle if necessary.
  • Start a teach-in

    A simple teach-in of the environment and boom results in 2 preconfigured virtual loops within the 140° field of view.
  • Ready to go

    Yes, that's right, off you go! The barrier is operational.

Connect & set

Start a simple teach-in process until the installation is complete. If more finetuning is desired, adjust the preconfigured loops or add a 3rd one. You can also view the invisible loops at any time and save and share favorite settings. Need an installation report? Just send it with one click.

  • Tailored detection

    Add up to 3 virtual loops to fit your application.
  • Choose the loop position, size and type: presence (green) or protection (red).
  • In the presence field, you can choose the types of objects to be detected. In the protection field both vehicles and people are always detected.

In any weather

The EVOLOOP is designed to perform reliably in all environments and conditions, including challenging weather like heavy rain, snow or fog for example.

Protect what matters

In applications with pedestrian traffic, reduce the risk of accidents by protecting people and vehicles from collision with the boom. In paid parking applications, be assured that fraud is not an option.

One fits all

Install it on a variety of automatic rising arm barriers for access control, parking or toll applications.
  • Access control

  • Parking

  • Toll gates

Mounting accessories

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