What truly matters to you in a sensor for automatic sliding doors?
You want the door to be safe of course, always, without any compromise.
What if your door could be compliant to safety standards with the push of a button?
Once installed, it functions smoothly without any hassle whatever the type of door, size of door, surroundings or weather conditions.
Wouldn’t it also be great if the door only opens, when necessary, without impacting accessibility? And closes as soon as possible to save valuable energy?
The ORASCAN is the first ever sensor combining radar & laser technology, doing exactly that and more. You just need one kit, that’s it.
The laser technology, which has proven itself on the field since 2008, is completely independent of the background. The ORASCAN can therefore be installed on any type of flooring and in any type of weather.
Harsh weather conditions and changes in the surroundings have no influence on the sensor’s good functioning. Tiles, metallic mats or rubber carpets? No problem, the ORASCAN can handle it.