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Table of specifications


active infrared with background suppression

Emission field:

400 mm (W) x 70 mm (D) (at 2 m mounting height; 4 spots active)

Mounting height:

1.3 m to 3.5 m*

Reaction time:

64 ms (typ)

Max. presence time:


Supply voltage:

12 V - 24 V AC +/-10% ; 12 V - 30 V DC -5%/+10% (to be operated from SELV compatible power supplies only)

Max current consumption:

95 mA @ 24 V AC/ 70 mA @ 24 V DC; 170 mA @ 12 V AC/ 130 mA @ 12 V DC (MASTER)
85 mA @ 24 V AC/ 60 mA @ 24 V DC; 180 mA @ 12 V AC/ 113 mA @ 12 V DC (other modules)

Max. contact voltage
Max. contact current
Max. switching power

2 relays (free of potential contact)
42 V AC/DC
1 A (resistive)
30 W (DC) / 42 VA (AC)

Max. contact voltage:
Voltage threshold:

1 optocoupler (free of potential contact)
30 V
high: >10 V DC; low: <1 V DC

Max. number of modules:

4 (up to 6 if 24 V DC)


min. 5% at IR-wavelength of 850 nm

Degree of protection:


Temperature range:

-25 °C to +55 °C; 0-95% relative humidity, non condensing

Expected lifetime:

20 years

Norm conformity:

This product conforms to all applicable European Union legislation. Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity for further information.

Specifications are subject to changes without prior notice – Measured in specific conditions.

* max. mounting height for BS 7036-conformity (UK): 3.25 m

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