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Motion & presence sensor for industrial doors

Technology: Radar & Active Infrared
Detection field:
CONDOR a motion and presence sensor for industrial doors and an alternative solution to induction loops
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CONDOR a motion and presence sensor for industrial doors and an alternative solution to induction loops



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Motion & presence sensor for industrial doors

The CONDOR has a microwave motion detector and an active infrared presence sensor built in the same housing. The microwave FALCON-type planar antenna stands for a comfortable activation quality. The signal treatment results in an accurate precision to filter out pedestrians, cross-traffic and possible interferences. The active infrared technology offers a presence area where every vehicle and object standing still close to the door will be detected.


  • bea-condor-industrial-rejection-filter-traffic

    Accurate & reliable

    The home-made planar antenna features an accurate pedestrian/vehicle filtering and a reliable cross-traffic rejection.

  • bea-condor-industrial-energy-saving


    This detection area allows to decrease the door timer: it offers energy savings proportional to the number of door closing cycles.

  • bea-condor-industrial-installation

    Fast installation and service

    The CONDOR stands for an alternative solution to induction loops with a faster installation and service.

  • bea-condor-industrial-environment

    Designed for industrial environments

    IP65, rugged housing and protection against door vibrations and interferences coming from the environment

  • Save energy

    The Thermotool simulates your energy efficiency in just a few clicks. Depending on location, door type and traffic flow this tool shows you how sensing solutions can improve the energy efficiency of your industrial door.

    Calculate your energy savings
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