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Universal opening sensor for automatic doors

Technology: Radar
Detection field:
detection field of the eagle artek
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detection field of the eagle artek



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Universal opening sensor for automatic doors

The EAGLE ARTEK is a microwave sensor that can be installed on all types of automatic doors, regardless of the environment. Slim and compact, it is designed to fit the most discreet door operating systems. It offers one-way opening and optimises door opening and closing cycles.

Setting the parameters is flexible and easy using push buttons.

The detection field can be adjusted very simply without changing the antenna manually, as everything is handled electronically.


  • Stability & reliability

    THE EAGLE ARTEK benefits from ARTEK radar technology developed by BEA. Based on the performance of EAGLE ONE, this antenna inherits the stability and flexibility
    of our radar sensors.

  • Compact design

    EAGLE ARTEK’s slim lines and compact dimensions permit discreet integration with all types of operating systems, even the thinnest ones. Because it uses the same installation references as the EAGLE ONE, the EAGLE ARTEK can easily replace an existing installation.

  • Flexibility

    The EAGLE ARTEK offers full electronic management of the radar field. You no longer need to change the antenna to adjust the detection field; shape and size can be quickly adapted using push buttons.

  • Optimization of cross traffic rejection

    Thanks to the improvement of cross traffic rejection,
    the EAGLE ARTEK better filters out parallel movements
    at the door that can cause unwanted detections.

  • ARTEK Inside, made by BEA with passion

    Many hours of research, development and testing have been invested to create and develop the Artek technology. Thanks to the know-how of our engineers, this active digital antenna takes motion detection to the next level. The robust and sustainable design, cutting edge electronics and software allow for precision, reliability, and more flexibility.

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