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Induction loops & photocells replacement

Technology: FMCW
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Induction loops & photocells replacement

The EVOLOOP is the alternative to induction loops and photocells, replacing hard work with smart work. Thanks to the 140° field of view, you can configure up to 3 virtual loops independently to fit your application.

The EVOLOOP can trigger not only opening and closing of the barrier, but also activate ticketing and license plate recognition systems. Moreover, it can protect both vehicles and pedestrians (EN 12453 type D), by reducing the risk of contact with the boom in all environments and conditions.


  • Plug & go

    No more dusty road works with noisy and heavy equipment. Enjoy an installer-friendly, clean and time-saving experience with EVOLOOP. Just mount the sensor, plug it and launch a teach-in. Ready to go!

  • Connect & set

    Via mobile app, start a simple teach-in and setup 2 preconfigured loops in no time. If needed, configure up to 3 virtual loops independently to fit the application’s needs. Choose the loop type, target type and add a sense of direction to filter out cross-traffic.

  • Versatile solution

    The EVOLOOP adapts to all applications. Whether you need to setup a paid parking system or need protection against collision with the boom, the EVOLOOP has it covered. It can be installed on all types and lengths of barriers, even with skirt or hinged support.

  • In any weather, at any time

    The EVOLOOP can be installed in any weather all year round. The virtual loops are reliable and resistant in all environments and conditions, including challenging weather like fog, heavy rain, frost or snow.

Induction loops & photocells replacement
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  • Discover the mobile app

    Set up with ease: Launch a teach-in, configure up to three virtual loops, and visualize them effortlessly. Access installation details, send diagnostic reports, and create and share your favourite settings—all in one seamless experience.

    Get the app
  • Technology

    MoWa inside, based on FMCW technology, measures the distance and speed of objects in its detection field. By transmitting a modulated wave and measuring the frequency shift of the reflected signal, it can detect and classify people and all types of vehicles, whether moving or standing still.

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