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Table of specifications


FMCW, Mowa inside (microwave)

Radiated frequency

60 GHz

Max Detection Field

Up to 7m

Radiated power

< 20 dBm EIRP

Radar Field of view

140° opening field and 40° in elevation

Reference body for Safeguarding Level D

Corner reflector with RCS = 0.17m²

Antenna angle adjustment

-20° to +20 °

Supply voltage*

12 – 30V DC +/-10% - 12-24V AC +/-10%

Max Power consumption


Peak Current at power-on


Cable Length

3m (standard)

Response Time

Typical 100ms (max 250ms)

Test input

1 optocoupler (galvanic isolated – polarity free)


3 RGB LED and 1 white LED for Bluetooth®


50 mm x 150 mm x 68mm (form factor)

Temperature range

-25°C to +55°C **; 0-95% relative humidity, non condensing

Degree of protection

IP65 (IEC/EN 60529)


PC / ASA / Aluminium ADC12 – black color


Operating bandwidth: 2402 MHz – 2480 MHz Maximum transmitted power: 12 dBm


2 electronic relays (galvanic isolated - polarity free)
1 relay


This product conforms to all applicable European Union legislation. Please refer to the Declaration of Conformity for further information.

* External electrical sources must ensure double insulation from primary voltages.
** When using AC supply, the maximum temperature is limited to 50°C.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All values measured in conditions and with a temperature of 25°C.

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