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Presence sensor for industrial doors

Technology: Active Infrared
ixio-s for industrial doors
Detection field:
IXIO-S INDUS presence sensor for industrial doors
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IXIO-S INDUS presence sensor for industrial doors




Presence sensor for industrial doors

The IXIO-S INDUS is an active infrared presence sensor. It functions on the basis of a constant analysis of background reflection. For industrial doors up to 4m high, the IXIO-S INDUS monitors the area in front of the door to prevent it from hitting people or vehicles. Together with the safety provisions stipulated by standard EN 12453, the IXIO-S INDUS offers an additional three-dimensional protection.


  • Stable & reliable

    A 32-bit microprocessor optimises the processing of information coming from the environment, ensuring a stable performance throughout the year.  48 high-density infrared spotlights from 2 curtains protect users from any contact with the doors.

  • Visual aids

    4 visible spots appear on the ground during setup. This makes it easy to set the optimal angle for the first presence curtain.

  • LCD screen

    Intuitive configuration with with an LCD screen displaying texts and symbols (LCD graphics).

  • Designed for industiral environments

    10 m cable, max. installation height of 4 m, reliable detection in difficult environments, higher convenience and safety for pedestrians and vehicles near the door.

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