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Laser sensor for leaf protection of swing doors

Technology: Laser
Detection field:
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Laser sensor for leaf protection of swing doors

The LZR®-FLATSCAN GO is designed to secure the moving leaves of swing doors. The stability and precision of the LASER technology allows it to be installed in challenging environments, where floor variations could cause unwanted detections with infrared sensors.

The LZR®-FLATSCAN GO is quick to install and easy to set with a single hand movement. Its curtain angle adjustement makes the installation really easy, especially in case of full door handle : the laser curtain will adjust to the door handle without impacting door leaf safety.



  • Compact design

    The LZR®-FLATSCAN GO can be used on swing doors, up to 2.5 m high. Thanks to its compact design (8.5 cm × 14.2 cm) it can be stocked and stored easily.


  • Independent of flooring and surroundings

    Nothing worse than coming back to an installation because snow has accumulated or the weather conditions changed. Thanks to the LASER technology and its great stability of detection over time, the LZR®-FLATSCAN GO easily adapts to changing weather conditions and different types of floors (slatted floors, absorbent…).


  • Laser safety field

    The leaf is covered by the laser safety field. Thanks to its reduced grey zone of only 10 cm, it offers a covering from top to bottom. Note that extra safety measures are mandatory to protect the hinge area to comply with EN16005.


  • Fast & intuitive installation

    The width of the detection field of the sensor is defined by a simple hand movement, which leads to installation time savings. Fast and easy handling to get the safety on your door.


Swing door safety
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