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LZR®-I100 /-I110

Safety sensor for industrial doors

Technology: Laser
LZR-W400 sensor for power-operated windows
Detection field:
LZR®-I100 /-I110 laser safety sensor for industrial doors and gates. Alternative to contact edges, light beams and lightgrids.
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LZR®-I100 /-I110 laser safety sensor for industrial doors and gates. Alternative to contact edges, light beams and lightgrids.
LZR®-I100 /-I110


LZR®-I100 /-I110

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Safety sensor for industrial doors

The LZR®-I100 / I110 works according to the principle of time of flight. This high-precision technology and the dynamic orientation of the LASER beams on 4 planes offer optimal safety in the door threshold and its proximity. The sensor is adapted to industrial environments and has a max. detection range of 9.9 m x 9.9 m.


  • bea-lzr-i100-industrial-safety

    Two separate detection areas

    Safety at the opening and the closing of the door thanks to 2 separate detection areas.

  • bea-lzr-i100-industrial-environment

    Optimized for industrial environments

    IP65, 10 m cable, filters door vibrations and environmental interferences.

  • bea-lzr-i100-industrial-push-button

    Virtual opening buttons

    Possibility to create 2 virtual push buttons to open the door.

  • bea-lzr-i100-industrial-field-edge-lightgrid-beam


    Replaces the current solutions such as contact edges, light beams and lightgrids.

  • Virtual opening button

    BEA’s sensors can be used to upgrade to touchless activation in industrial environments.
    The LZR®-I100 is a laser safety sensor for industrial doors with an optional virtual push button that can be used for intentional opening, thus offering a completely touchless and hygienic solution.

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