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Safety sensor for automatic doors

Technology: Laser
LZR-W400 sensor for power-operated windows
Detection field:
LZR-P110 safety solution for sliding, swing and revolving doors in conformity with the DIN 18650 and EN 16005 standards
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LZR-P110 safety solution for sliding, swing and revolving doors in conformity with the DIN 18650 and EN 16005 standards




Safety sensor for automatic doors

The LZR®-P110 is a universal safety solution for sliding, swing and revolving doors designed in conformity with the DIN 18650 and EN 16005 standards and a detection field of maximum 5 m x 5 m.


  • Independent of floor

    No reflectivity interferences as a result of time-of-flight technology.

  • Bi-functional usability

    Bi-functional usability thanks to flexible and easy-to-use signal outputs (e.g. slow-mode and stop-mode for revolving doors, virtual push-buttons, and safety sensors for sliding doors)

  • High resolution

    Three-dimensional safety on the door threshold and close to the closing area with 4 high-resolution laser curtains (274 measurements per 66 ms at angles of 0°, 2°, 4°, 6°).

  • Immunity filters

    Optimized for outside applications through rain and snow filters and an internal heating system.

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