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Laser scanner for building automation and security

Technology: Laser
LZR-W400 sensor for power-operated windows
Detection field:
LZR®-S600 Laser sensor for building automation and security and protection, alternative to camera systems
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LZR®-S600 Laser sensor for building automation and security and protection, alternative to camera systems


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Laser scanner for building automation and security

The LZR®-S600 is a LASER-based security device designed to protect goods and buildings against theft, vandalism and intrusion. This high-precision sensor ensures high levels of detection and security for your valuables. Compared to standard camera systems, no external illumination of target is necessary. It is a compact and competitive solution with a typical detection range of 25 m x 25 m.


  • Different functions

    Different functions can be achieved thanks to 2 independent relay
    outputs : prealert/alert, night and day, anti-vandalism.

  • Discretion guaranteed

    The LED display can be switched off with the remote control.

  • High precision

    Capacity to detect objects in mm-range** and with a remission factor down to 2 %.

  • 3D coverage

    Four planes covering a given area in height, width and depth.

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