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Touchless opening sensor for automatic doors

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Touchless opening sensor for automatic doors

The MAGIC SWITCH CHROMA is a touchless opening sensor for automatic doors. One hand motion in front of the sensor opens the door, completely contactless. Therefore, it is the perfect knowing act sensor for applications where hygiene is essential: hospitals, clean rooms, hotels & restaurants, pharmaceutical industries, airports, logistics and retail.


  • Touchless & hygienic

    Opening solution reducing touchpoints in public spaces. A builtin silicone seal makes the product completely hermetic and the antimicrobial front face limits the spread of germs, bacteria and fungi.

  • Multicolour LED & audio signal

    With many possible configurations of LED colour, brightness and animation, the MAGIC SWITCH CHROMA offers great user experience. In addition, the audio feedback adds comfort for the visually impaired.

  • Designed for every environment

    Thanks to a discrete design, a high degree of protection (IP65) and flush or surface mounting possibilities, the MAGIC SWITCH CHROMA blends into any environment and is easy to install and keep clean.

  • Variety of applications

    Touchless opening of any automatic door, comfort for people with disabilities, light switch in toggle mode and many more. Moreover, the MAGIC SWITCH CHROMA ADV is equipped with an external signal input which allows for even more applications like door lock functions in public restrooms.

  • Mix & match to fit your needs

    Personalize the look of your MAGIC SWITCH CHROMA front face by adding a pictogram that fits your application. Multiple LED colours and animations offer great user experience, even in the dark.

  • Antimicrobial for extra hygiene

    The BIOMASTER antimicrobial front face helps to keep the surface clean and limits the spread of germs, bacteria, and fungi.

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