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Opening laser sensor for automatic doors

Technology: Laser
Detection field:
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Detection field - V-SWITCH


Opening laser sensor for automatic doors

The V-SWITCH is a touchless opening sensor for automatic doors, using laser technology. It activates the door when an intentional movement is detected in a pre-defined area. The sensor can be surface or recessed mounted and is used as a switch.

Thanks to its different operating modes and outputs, the sensor offers a great flexibilty (toggle mode, partial versus full opening,etc). It is the ideal solution for applications where hygiene is essential: hospital, clean rooms, hotels and restaurants, pharmaceutical industries, logistics and retail.


  • Touchless and hygienic

    The V-SWITCH is a touchless sensor for hygienic spaces limiting the spread of bacteria. A simple gesture or movement in its detection field opens the door.

  • Plug and go

    Recessed or surface mounted, the installation of the V-SWITCH is intuitive, avoiding drilling or running cables through walls. Upon first powering up, it learns its environment and offers preconfigured settings.

  • Designed for every environment

    The V-SWITCH easily fits into any configuration and can activate sliding or swing doors. Its built-in design makes it vandalism-proof.

  • Variety of applications

    Thanks to the virtual opening curtain or buttons, the V-SWITCH provides a range of options to activate the door, with a short or a long push for example, to achieve the desired behavior.

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