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Industrial Door & Gate Sensors

Industrial Door & Gate Sensors

The market for industrial automation solutions is dedicated to applications that improve traffic flow and protect people and objects in industrial environments, such as manufacturing premises, warehouse & distribution buildings, and refrigeration and cold storage facilities, etc.


High performance doors

High performance door sensors meet the needs of all types of automatic high speed doors, including sliding and folding doors. They can be found in a wide variety of industrial buildings, such as warehouses, hangars, logistical buildings, etc. They facilitate and secure the flow of vehicles like forklifts and trucks and/or people moving in and out of a building. Furthermore, they protect doors from collision damage and help save energy.

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commercial doors sensors solutions

Commercial doors

Commercial door sensors meet the needs of all types of automatic commercial doors, including sectional doors. They can be found in a wide variety of industrial buildings, such as warehouses, hangars, and logistical buildings, etc. They facilitate and secure the flow of vehicles like forklifts and trucks and/or people moving in and out of a building. Furthermore, they protect doors from collision damage and help save energy.

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loading docks sensors solutions

Loading docks

Loading dock sensors are commonly found attached to commercial and industrial buildings, particularly warehouses, to activate the indicator lights that show truck drivers when to reverse into or pull out of the loading dock.

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Gates & Barriers


Swinging and sliding gates give access to numerous types of buildings, such as warehouses, offices, airports, and storage areas, etc. Whether or not with controlled access, the main objective is to open and close gates quickly and safely. The safety sensors are used to prevent any undesired contact between vehicles or other users and the moving gate.

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Barriers give access to numerous types of buildings, such as car parks, sports facilities, warehouses, airports, and storage areas, etc. Whether or not with controlled access, the main objective is to open and close barriers quickly and safely. The combined opening and safety sensors are used to activate the barrier opening for vehicles only and to prevent any undesired contact with vehicles or other users whilst the barrier is closing.

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