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commercial doors sensors solutions

Commercial doors

Industrial Door & Gate Sensors

Commercial door sensors meet the needs of all types of automatic commercial doors, including sectional doors. They can be found in a wide variety of industrial buildings, such as warehouses, hangars, and logistical buildings, etc. They facilitate and secure the flow of vehicles like forklifts and trucks and/or people moving in and out of a building. Furthermore, they protect doors from collision damage and help save energy.

applications commercial opening safety

Looking for a combined solution to open doors and protect users from contact with the door during closing?

Our sensor combines two technologies – radar and active infrared – to achieve a dual purpose: to open and protect automatic doors and to ensure the safety of those operating them. The radar senses any approaching movement towards the door, while the infrared technology detects the presence of people and objects in the area around the door’s closing zone.

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applications commercial intentional touchless opening

Looking for an intentional sensing solution for door activation?

Our intentional solutions can be divided into a pressure sensitive solution and a touchless solution. Our touchless solution comprises a radar that reacts to every intentional approach and allows activation of the door without any physical contact with the sensor. This provides a hygienic opening solution. Our range of pressure sensitive devices activate door activation with a simple push of the button. These solutions come in different shapes and sizes and can be mounted next to any type of automatic door.

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Looking for a sensing solution to secure the door during closing?

Our active infrared presence sensor functions on the basis of a constant analysis of background reflection. For industrial doors up to 4 m high, it monitors the area in front of the door to prevent it from hitting people or vehicles.

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