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Pedestrian Entrance Sensors

Pedestrian Entrance Sensors

The market for pedestrian sensing solutions is dedicated to applications that maximize comfort and safety for users and improve the automation of people flowing in, out, and through business & administration buildings, commercial environments, transit centres, health care facilities, or educational & cutural spaces.

Doors & Windows

Sliding doors

Sliding door sensors meet the needs of all types of single or double wing sliding doors.

They can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as airports, hospitals, administrative buildings, shops, and museums, etc. They ensure the comfort and safety of people moving in, out, and through a building.

By detecting motion towards the door and a presence near it, our opening and safety sensors improve the everyday experience of using sliding doors.

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swing doors sensors

Swing doors

Automatic swing door sensors meet the needs of all types of single or double wing swing doors that can be found in a wide variety of public buildings such as hospitals, airports, administrative buildings, shops, and museums, etc. They ensure the comfort and safety of people moving in, out, and through a building. By detecting motion towards the door and a presence near it, our opening and safety sensors improve the everyday experience of using swing doors.

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Revolving doors

Automatic revolving door sensors meet the needs of all types of single or multi wing revolving doors that can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, airports, and administrative buildings, etc. They ensure the comfort and safety of people moving in, out, and through a building. By detecting motion towards and a presence in the critical areas of the revolving door, our opening and safety sensors improve the everyday experience of using revolving doors.

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Knowing act devices

Knowing act sensors are typically used on various types of automatic doors that can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets, etc. They enhance the comfort of people moving in, out, and through a building and improve the everyday experience of using automatic doors.

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automated windows sensors solutions

Automated windows

Automatic window safety sensors are typically used on automated window installations. These form part of building automation solutions that are typically installed in public buildings, such as schools, offices, hospitals, and museums etc. The sensor monitors the dangerous area around power-operated windows, preventing contact with any persons during window operation.

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Guidance & Access Control

guidance systems sensors solutions

Guidance systems

Sensors for guidance systems are typically used as part of people flow management systems in order to detect people flow and activate the opening of the system. Such systems can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as supermarkets, airports, train stations, and museums, etc. They enhance the comfort of people moving through a building, guiding them in a particular direction.

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escalators sensors solutions


Escalator sensors are used on all types of escalators that can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as airports, train stations, hospitals, administrative buildings, shopping centres, and art galleries etc. They facilitate the flow of escalator users by detecting motion towards the escalator. They therefore improve the everyday experience and comfort of escalator use.

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