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guidance systems sensors solutions

Guidance systems

Pedestrian Entrance Sensors

Sensors for guidance systems are typically used as part of people flow management systems in order to detect people flow and activate the opening of the system. Such systems can be found in a wide variety of public buildings, such as supermarkets, airports, train stations, and museums, etc. They enhance the comfort of people moving through a building, guiding them in a particular direction.

applications guidance presence

Looking to detect a presence in your guidance system?

Our infrared sensors for guidance systems are compact sensing solutions that can be fully integrated and therefore almost invisible. They can detect a presence in all types of guidance systems and provide protection for their users.

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applications guidance activation

Looking for comfortable activation of your guidance system ?

Our range of radar sensors for guidance systems are compact sensing solutions that can be flush-mounted and therefore almost invisible.  They activate all types of guidance systems and can be opened comfortably by users, even when pushing a trolley or carrying luggage.

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