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Presence sensor for industrial doors

Technology: Active Infrared
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MILAN presence sensor for industrial and commercial automatic doors avoiding vehicle collisions
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MILAN presence sensor for industrial and commercial automatic doors avoiding vehicle collisions


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Presence sensor for industrial doors

The MILAN is an active infrared sensor working on the principle of the ground reflectivity analysis. Its mission is to increase the protection of the door by avoiding every collision with vehicles standing close to the door area. Moreover, the MILAN adjustment allows to define small and accurate detection areas in front of the door: 40 active infrared spotlights covering 3 m × 3 m* in front of the door.


  • Reliable protection

    Increased protection of vehicles and pedestrians and improvement of the door protection and reduction of collision risks.

  • Flexibility

    Possibility to adjust the detection area and the minimal size of the target and 2 relay outputs enabling to run motion and presence detection separately.

  • Immunity

    Immunity against door vibrations and interferences.

  • Designed for industiral environments

    IP65, rugged housing and installation till 6 m high depending on size and nature of the target

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