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Challenge 01

Touchless activation

Challenge 02

Energy savings by reducing unwanted detections

Challenge 03

Ensuring safety by meeting standard EN 16005


Our solutions in healthcare environments


Optimize opening of your automatic door

Opening is a daily challenge in environments like hospitals, daycare centers, medical centers, clinics…
You need to find the perfect balance between accessibility and availibility of the door. Choosing the right sensor helps you achieve these engagements. We help you choose the type of activation you need regarding your application.

Discover our opening range

Increase safety of your automatic door

Safety is a daily challenge in environments like hospitals, daycare centers, medical centers, clinics…
You need to find the perfect balance between accessibility, safety and availibility of the door. Choosing the right sensor helps you achieve these engagements. People with disabilities are now out of danger. We help you choose the type of safety sensor you need regarding your application.

Discover our safety range

Barriers & industrial doors

How to manage the different points of access to an hospital? How making sur the parking lot is safe for all users? Did you ever think about detection for the accessibility of your loading docks?
To answer all these questions, check our solutions for barriers and industrial doors.

Discover the other solutions
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They trust our sensors

It’s safe, I can even put my hand there. Even the leading edge is covered!

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1.2 million cycles of opening and closing industrial doors, and no more impacts thanks to LZR®-WIDESCAN

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Where to find our solutions

  • Hospital

    In hospital and healthcare applications, BEA solutions play a key role in meeting strict accessibility and hygienic requirements. For those with reduced mobility and health conditions, sensors also help improve accessibility.

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